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If the server isn't connecting here are some tips on what you can do to fix it

Give it a minute

it takes a moment for the server to connect so be patient

Check the time

the server only runs from 9:00am to 9:00pm if it's outside of that time, come back later

Check that you're IP address and port are correct

If when you try to join, your device says invalid IP, then this is probably the case.

Join one of the featured servers

sometimes it's a problem with the server's in general, so just see if one of the featured servers work by joining and exiting out.

Join One of your worlds

just join one of your worlds and exit out, then see if the server is working

Exit out of the App

Just exit out of the app and rejoin, then try again

Check your connection

make sure your wifi is connected

Re-sign into Xbox live

sign in and out of xbox live

Ask Sofia

Sofia is in charge of turning the server on and off and it is possible she forgot or her IP address changed. So just send her a text at (720) 621-8745 saying something like: "Hey Sofia is the server running, or has the IP address changed? I can't join the server."

Contact Me

Please feel free to call/text/email me if you are having trouble and I will be happy to help. My contact info is below.

Troubleshooting: Mods & Maps
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